Acupuncture is an ancient technique used to promote
health and well-being by inserting small needless into different points on the
body. In an effort to save their patients money, some acupuncturists have
started providing their patients with acupuncture kits to use perform self-acupuncture
between treatments.

Schedule an appointment with an Acupuncture Doctor. It is important to see a professional to learn the proper way for performing acupuncture before you begin. Check your local phone book or search on the Internet for an acupuncturist in your area
Choose an acupuncturist that encourages self-acupuncture as part of his
treatment method. You will need an acupuncturist who is willing to teach you
the methods and supply you with the needles. This is now common practice at
many traditional Chinese medical clinics in the United States.
Familiarize yourself with acupuncture nyc so you know what to expect before
your first appointment. Acupuncture can be uncomfortable and scary if you have
never done it before, but it is not usually a painful treatment.
Lean how to perform self-acupuncture properly by practising in your
acupuncturists office. She will be able to teach you proper placement of the
needles based on your individual needs.
Sterilize your needles in boiling water before each use. Using dirty or
unsterilised needles for acupuncture can cause infection. You should wear
plastic gloves when handling the needles after they have been sterilized.
Consider combining an herbal treatment with your acupuncture. Most acupuncturists
will recommend Chinese herbal remedies be used in addition to acupuncture
depending on your particular needs.
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